Sunday, October 20, 2013

How To Behave In Office - Good Manners In The Office

  • Never walk without a Paper in your hands
  • To look busy use computers
  • Never answer your phone if you have voice mail
  • Try to look impatient and annoyed to give your bosses good impression that you are busy with work
  • Hold the door for others.
  • Use the phrases freely when in conversation with bosses - you will sound good !
  • Leave the office late
  • When you are having drinks - offer to get a drink for those seated nearby.
  • Listen before offering your opinion.
  • Keep your work area net and clean.
  • Do not use slang or text speak
  • Share the credit with colleague
  • Keep your mobile ring tone under control
  • Do not use strong smelly perfume
  • Always be on time
  • Do not be loud
  • Greet clients properly
  • Try to remember and use people's names.
  • Speak with a smile in your voice

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