Saturday, October 19, 2013

Russian People, Lifestyle and Culture

Russian Life is built on the base of "God endured, so we have to endure too".

  • Russian family are large and friendly.
  • Russian family is dependent upon all its members.
  • Russian culture is non-individualistic. Russian saying is, "One is not a soldier in the battlefield."  
  • Intellectually, Russians are interesting people to talk to Philosophy is still a compulsory subject if you want to study for a degree.
  • Russian Students cheat a lot on written tests because of this most of the exams in Russian Universities are oral.
  • Russian people love to read books in their leisure time, Books are very cheap in Russia.
  • Russian people never take their coats off in the metro.
  • They quite often drink beer in the street and eat ice cream in winter.
  • Medical aid and education in Russia are free, Russian joke is - "Education becomes less and less free with every year."
  • Russia is quite a tough country. Russian people do not hesitate to say tough thing, they are pity straightforward.
  • Having a college or University degree is very common. Russia has the highest educational level in the world.
  • Work ability get priority in the job sector not the degree.
  • Businessman are in better position than the people work as employees. 
  • Russians are smart. They are sometime careless, but at the same time skillful and most careless foots logger in the world.
  • Pirating software, Cd's are very much common fact in Russia. 
  • Russians can suit in any situation where everything in unpredictable and uneven.
  • Working day is 8 hours with one 30-60 minutes lunch break.
  • In Russia if a lady is young enough and still single, it means something is wrong with her.
  • Hard drinking is Russia's most prominent tradition.
  • They believe that their life style is difficult and they feel proud for this.
  • If you are invited to a Russian home, you should bring a small gift.
  • Stealing is not considered to be a big deal as long as you have not been caught.

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