Saturday, October 19, 2013

Women Are Getting More Jobs Than Men

If you read newspaper or collect news regularly you would see that all over the world women are raising their voice for rights. Women wants freedom and equal rights - we also support them and we have enough respect for them. But the scenario is quite different in job sector. Now a days women are getting more job compere to men ! 

Yes, it is very much true. Women are getting priority on job sector. Even in some job sector men are losing their job. Why women are getting more jobs than men? - there do not have any clear explanation of this question, which is really frustrating.

Few days ago i was talking with my elder brother who run a student consultancy firm. He told me that his female students are getting good job than male student. Even if the male student are more capable - they are not getting good job. So I asked my brother what is the reason behind this ? He answered me, "I don't know!".

Of course we have to acknowledge that in some sector women are more capable than men. But Now a days women are getting unfairly more priority! I think every one should get job on the basis of merit not on the basis of gender. 

What is your opinion ?  

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