Thursday, November 07, 2013

Coca-Cola Taste Different in Different Countries

Coke, Pepsi, Sprite - those are very popular soft drinks all over the world. No matter what is your age, no matter where you live - those drinks are always very popular in every corner of the world. I am also huge fan of those cold drinks, specially Coca-Cola. For last 6/7 years I am not taking any other things except Coca-Cola. But recently i have visited to South Africa and I got surprised when i tasted a bottle of Coca-Cola. It was quite unique and different in taste compare to Coca-Cola in America ! 

I had already hard lot of thing about that from my friends and relatives but i did not believe them. But now after my own experience i can tell you that yes, there have taste difference in different countries. Though i did not tasted all other drinks in South Africa - but i have hard that those drinks also has different taste in different countries.

Actually this taste difference is very much intentional. Franchises company of those cold drinks they add extra water and sweeteners according to the taste of their area's customer. In different part of the world people have their own different taste - so those cold drinks company also change their taste targeting their customer. 

So friends, hope you are not clear about the taste difference of soft drinks in different countries. Are you happy with the taste of your favorite soft drinks in your local area ? You can share your experience with us.....................

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