Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ghost Really Exist or Not

In every corner of the world there have some stories about weird things. People love to talk and make stories about supernatural things. People call them Ghost, Devil, Bad Sprite and there have lots of other name. But the question is do the ghost really exist or not ? 

It is always very confusing but a common question.We have hard lots of things about ghost from our childhood. Old member of the family always told us lot of ghost stories. But the frustrating thing is that most of the people never get chance to see those things. Even there do not have any clear evidence about existence of ghost. 

Interesting fact is, in every religion there have existence of those things. All holly books mentioned about those sprite. So now we can say if we have trust on religion than we should believe on ghost !.(how weird !)

I have hard lot of ghost stories about my father and grandmother ! they told me that those ghost come to us with strange and different appearance. My father had a very weird experience. When he was young, one night he was walking at night in our roof and he saw a elephant size dog in front of our house. 

I do not know how to explain those things. I have huge interest on this topic but i have confusion too. Do you have any idea about this ghost thing ? you can share with me...... 

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